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Books and Boys


It all started when Sammy and Jess wanted a book. A harmless book, A Tale of Three Towns by that Dick guy. Dean found a new book, and a new boy. A story of books and adorable relationships.

Chapter Text

"Please Dean? I can't just walk away from Jess, she needs cuddles." Sam wants me to buy him some book at his favourite store.
"Yeah Dean, I need cuddles. College stress is hard!" Jess clings to Sammy. Jess is his girlfriend, has been for a long time now. She was in a house fire earlier in their relationship, causing all the sickly looking scars she has on her body.
"Oh fine, what book do you need Sam?" I give in, Jess and him have been working hard. They both deserve a break from the Stanford expectations.
"A Tale of Two Cities, it's by Charles Dickens. Please, please, remember his last name correctly Dean." Sam laughs, probably hoping I won't butcher his last name.
"No promises Sammy" I give him a grin and am at the doorway in a flash. "And try to be done doin' your girl before I get back!" I joke, walking out the door to my baby, the Impala. I open the door easily and slide in, revving the engine and enjoying the bliss of the motor's purr.
Before I know it the tape I had in is almost over and I reached the book store. "Okay" I say to myself, "A Tale of Two Cities." I keep repeating the title in my head before I forget it.
After about 10 minutes of searching and getting lost in my thoughts, a cold hand taps me on the shoulder. I jump and yelp, startled.
"Oh uh hello there!" My cheeks are a bit red as I look at the shorter man who startled me.
"I was just wondering if you needed any help sir?" He asks, his bright blue eyes sparkling.
"Yeah, I do actually. I'm looking for a book, A Tale of Three Towns by that Dick guy." The dark haired stranger holds in a laugh, his face starting to go red.
"A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens?" He questions, making me feel like an idiot.
"Oh, yeah that!" I rub the back of my neck and chuckle nervously.
"Aren't you smart?" I joke as I watch how serious his face is while searching for that book.
"Here it is" The man hands me the book, leading me to a small register in the front of the store. "That is all you needed right?" He asks me as he types something into the register.
"Yeah, unless you know any good Sci-Fi books? Monsters and demons are the coolest" I grin, looking the guy in the eyes.
"Hmm, actually we have a couple copies of this up here 'The Mangler' by Stephen King, It seems to meet your criteria"
He explains what it's about as he pulls out the book.
"Thanks man" I grin in his direction, his smile in response seemingly the cutest thing ever.
"Not a problem at all." He writes something on the back of the receipt and slides it into the book for Sammy. I just assume it's the signature thing and take the books, waving and tripping on my feet since I was paying little attention to anything but that man.
"Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! I'm home with your damn book!" Sam meets me at the door.
"Thanks Dean, you're the best." He smiles, taking the receipt out and pausing when he looks at it. "Who's Castiel?" Sam questions in a condescending voice.
"Wait what?" I try to grab the receipt but he just backs away.
"I sent you for a book not to flirt with people working there Dean!" Sam burst into laughter.
"SAMMY! Give me that I need that number!" I practically jump on him, knocking us both down on the hard wood flooring of Sam's house. When Jess hears the loud bang she runs into the hallway, almost knocking over a lamp and a table.
"Are you two okay?" She exclaims worriedly.
"Yeah just fine Jessie-Bear." Sam grins her way, upside-down with my sitting on his torso.
"One, don't call me that. And two, I heard the conversation, give Dean this guy's number." Jess just leans over Sam with her hands on her hips.
"Fine." He hands me the receipt and I make a run for it before he changes his mind.
"Thanks Sammy!!" I bellow from the next room, unlocking my phone and smiling to myself about the screensaver of Sam, Jess, and myself. After making a new contact in my phone I excitedly shoot him a text.
'Hey Castiel, it's Dean. The guy from the book store.'
I lay down on the couch as I wait for a response.