1. Freedom from Notifications - Sanspoint. - Essays on Technology and Culture by Richard J. Anderson →

    Look at the apps that you have given explicit permission to bother you. Do it now. How many pages is it? I have twelve apps that are allowed to interrupt what I’m doing, though when I started this, I had closer to twenty. Look at each of them and decide if each app is allowed to pull you away from whatever you’re doing, be it playing Threes! or doing your day job. Think about how often they interrupt you, and what they interrupt you for
    Make “no” your default when something or someone asks if you would like to receive notifications.
  1. pinteater reblogged this from simplifyyourlife
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  4. chrisbykate-blog reblogged this from simplifyyourlife and added:
    Good reminder. I just turned off all of my notifications except for texts (and calls, obviously).
  5. simplifyyourlife reblogged this from minimalmac and added:
    Yes to this “no!” :)
  6. k3nnr reblogged this from chartier
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  8. allisonlaraofficial reblogged this from idkidkwe and added:
    “Don’t Allow” is my default to hit and it’s great.
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