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No New Raid for Destiny House of Wolves Expansion

Bungie laid out new details about House of Wolves, but the anticipated expansion will not include "a Raid activity."

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Earlier today developer Bungie revealed the release date for the House of Wolves Destiny expansion, and we learned more details about what will (and what will not) be included in the update from a post on the official Bungie website. The most interesting piece of new information is that House of Wolves will not include raids.

"House of Wolves will not have a Raid activity," reads a message on the site. "We didn't make this decision lightly. Our team has been humbled by the reception of Raids in Destiny and we are creating a new Raid for a release later this year."

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This upends the House of Wolves leak earlier this week from a reliable source that described the inclusion of a new Raid. To fill that gap, Destiny will have a cooperative battle arena called Prison of Elders that will focus on "variety, replayability, and skill."

Next week Bungie will discuss the upgrade path for gear in House of Wolves, but an image on the site indicates that for the first time you'll be able to upgrade the damage cap for non-exotic weapons. The image to the right shows what looks like Fatebringer rising from 300 to 365.

In addition to this news, Bungie announced via Twitter that update 1.1.2 will be going live tomorrow, which includes expanded vaults.

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