Shoes for Industry! Shoes for the Dead!

Ask me anything   Issy and/or Caru: retired NEET, aspiring Tumblr Funnyman, general weirdo, INTJ, Taurus, melancholic (black bile), ~1 million years old, post-post-minor


Every Killer Car in Mad Max: Fury Road Explained

Not gonna lie: kind of seriously want a (mostly) street-legal apocalypse car to drive around town. How rad would that be? Rad as hell.

(via stayforthecredits)

— 8 years ago with 42436 notes
#mad max  #mad max fury road  #vehicles  #like can this happen?  #i drive a corolla  #but how fucking rad would this be?  #ugh my life is so mainstream  #i'd drive it to the grocery store like fuck it whatever  #and to work which would be even cooler  #i have dreams of being awesome  #they will never come true  #vroom vroom motherfucker  #nux car  #interceptor  #those're my favorites 
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