diy {bib onesie v1.0}

While picking up a few groceries, I noticed Walmart had some basic onesies for $3.00. As is they were pretty simple and cute. I picked up a yellow one and decided I’d play with it a bit and try to make something a bit more unique.

My supplies:

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the ‘right’ way to sew. So this tutorial won’t be all that easy to follow…basically I just wing it and hope it doesn’t come apart.

Step 1: Make the base ruffle. I cut a strip of fabric (from this skirt) about 3 inches wide and 14 inches long. Next I folded it over and sewed the edges together. Next I put in a gathering stitch (the longest stitch your machine will make) and gathered the fabric into a ruffle.

Step 2: Sew the top of the ruffle to the top of the onesie.

Step 3: Sew the rest of the ruffle down. I actually took a pencil and drew where I wanted the ruffle to go, then sewed it down.

Step 4: Originally I was going to sew a piece of a vintage sheet on top, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it so I changed plans.

Step 5: Cut an old t-shirt into small circles. Mine were about an inch in diameter. Fold the circles in half two times, stitch onto the onesie.  I did mine in groups of about 5.

Step 6: Add more circles and buttons to the middle. I piled 5 circles off-centered on top of eachother, then added a button. I sewed all three down, starting with the middle one.

I liked it hanging up.

On Baby Sister I can’t decide if I like it or not. For a $3.00 Walmart onesie it is fun. However, I am not super crazy about it. It kind of reminds me of a clown or funny lion.

When it was finished I sat down with Oreos & milk and thought about what to change on it next time.

So this is my first attempt. I am headed back to Walmart and will try v2.0….changing the following:

1. Make the whole bib part MUCH smaller. It looks too big on her now.

2. Use my mom’s serger to make the base ruffle

3. Use colors that don’t resemble an animal

4. Something different in the very middle…the buttons and circles just aren’t quite right



Well, maybe that will give some of you some ideas for dressing up a plain onesie….


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