If you experience anxiety regularly, then you know it’s a difficult thing to deal with. You’re definitely not alone in looking for relief. Since anti-anxiety drugs can have undesirable side effects, many people prefer to try natural treatments first. The good news is that there are several herbs that show some promise in alleviating anxiety. However, most are lacking long-term studies, so you probably won’t see fast or permanent results. You’ll be more successful if you pair these herbal treatments with other lifestyle remedies to improve your mood and reduce your stress. Most importantly, don’t hesitate to see a mental health counselor if your anxiety interferes with your daily life.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Herbal Remedies that Could Help

While herbal treatments have been used to relieve anxiety for hundreds of years, most of them haven’t been rigorously tested for their effectiveness. The following herbs have all shown some promise in early trials. However, they haven’t been tested in long-term studies, so don’t treat them as a permanent cure for your anxiety. You can try one of these herbs at a time and see if they help your anxiety. Keep in mind that the results probably won’t be immediate or dramatic, but you might feel better after a few weeks of regularly using one of these herbs.

  1. Chamomile is a mild herb that shows some promise in fighting anxiety and depression. It’s most common as a tea, but there are also chamomile supplements that you can try as well.[1]
    • Chamomile is in the same plant family as ragweed, marigolds, daisies and chrysanthemums. If you’re allergic to these plants, then chamomile may cause a mild allergic reaction.[2]
  2. This plant helps reduce excitability and nervousness, both of which make anxiety worse. It comes in capsule form, but can also be mixed with tea.[3]
  3. Valerian root is another herb that may be effective for treating anxiety. While long-term studies are lacking, you can take it for a few weeks at a time and see if it helps your anxiety.[4]
  4. Some preliminary studies suggest that passionflower is another useful remedy for anxiety. You can take the supplement as a capsule, or mix it in with boiling water to make your own herbal tea.[5]
  5. John’s Wort if you also have depression. This supplement is used more often to treat depression, and its success with anxiety is limited. However, many people have both anxiety and depression, so St. John’s Wort supplements may help you in this case.[6]
  6. Kava is also effective for treating anxiety, but long-term use or high doses can cause liver damage. Use this herb in small amounts and for a short period of time.[7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Herbs Safely

Remember that just because something is natural, this doesn’t mean it’s safe. Herbs and roots can still cause negative reactions, especially if you take other medications or have some kind of allergy. Use caution when you take these herbs to prevent any problems. Follow these universal rules whenever you take herbal supplements:

  1. Any herbs can potentially cause adverse side effects, especially if you’re on daily medications. Always tell your doctor when you’re starting an herbal regimen to find out if this is a safe idea.[8]
    • Chamomile in particular can interact with blood-thinning drugs, so don’t use it if you take blood thinners.
  2. Just like any other medication, these herbs are only safe when taken in the correct quantities. Follow the dosage size on every product you use and never take too much.[9]
    • If you don’t know the proper dosage for a supplement you’re taking, ask your doctor about it.
  3. Most anxiety-reducing herbs can also cause drowsiness, especially if you haven’t taken them before. When you first start taking a new herb, wait a few hours before driving or operating machinery so you don’t suddenly get drowsy in the middle of a task.[10]
  4. Herbal supplements can cause a number of adverse side effects like dizziness, nausea, or heartburn. If you don’t like how something makes you feel, then stop taking it.[11]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Other Natural Treatments for Anxiety

If you’re looking for natural anxiety treatments, you don’t have to limit yourself to herbs alone. There are many other things you can do to reduce your anxiety. In fact, doctors highly recommend the following activities to reduce your anxiety. Try these in conjunction with therapy and herbal treatments to raise your mood and overcome your anxiety.

  1. Getting at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 5 days a week helps keep your mood high by releasing endorphins. As an added bonus, your overall health will improve with regular exercise.[12]
  2. While there isn’t much evidence that following a certain diet helps your anxiety, eating at regular times definitely does. This prevents your blood sugar from crashing and depressing your mood.[13]
  3. Lack of sleep makes your anxiety and overall mood worse. Do your best to relax at night and stay in bed for a full 8 hours for the best results.[14]
  4. Deep breathing and meditation help cut down on your daily stress and reduce your anxiety. Stopping and counting to 10 if you’re feeling overwhelmed is a good way to maintain your composure.[15]
  5. Both of these can increase your heart rate, which increases your anxiety and can even trigger a panic attack.[16]
    • The other risk of alcohol is that you can develop a dependence on it if you always drink to make yourself feel better. It’s best to use other methods to calm yourself down.

Medical Takeaways

While studies definitely show that some herbs could help relieve anxiety, remember that these studies are limited and haven’t examined the long-term effects of herb use. Use caution whenever you try a new herb and ask your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you. Also use other lifestyle treatments like exercise and relaxation techniques to relieve your anxiety. If these treatments don’t work, then talk to a mental health professional for more guidance.

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About this article

Zora Degrandpre, ND
Co-authored by:
Natural Health Doctor
This article was co-authored by Zora Degrandpre, ND. Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007. This article has been viewed 390,666 times.
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Updated: May 25, 2021
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Reader Success Stories

  • Drusilla Brown

    Drusilla Brown

    Sep 30, 2017

    "Use the herbs, and the amount to use. Thanks for giving me a list of the these herbs, this was most helpful!"

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