VRFocus - Earlier this week the developers of the upcoming virtual reality (VR) compatible first-person shooter (FPS) SUPERHOT surprised everyone by confirming that the title would be coming to the Xbox One at the same time as its release on PC, Mac and Linux. The news was made during Microsoft's Gamescom show, which was accompanied by a brand new trailer for the title. Now that trailer can be seen below.
PlayStation Plus Essential, Extra and Premium members can add these three titles to their game library from Tuesday, October 4 until Monday October 31. The PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium Game Catalog lineup for October will be announced later this month.
Great month, looking forward to Hot Wheels, I really love some good old arcade racing
another good line-up. Hot Wheels looks interesting. Never played it.
Still hooked in Need for Speed Heat (this month's PS Plus free game)
Looks like another good month. Really was happy with gran blue fantasy last in the current month.
The Humble Heal: COVID-19 Bundle just launched. It features games like BioShock Remastered, Undertale, Superhot, Brutal Legend, and more. 100 percent of the proceeds go to support charity. The charities include Direct Relief, Doctors Without Borders, International Medical Corps, and Give India.
Dave writes: "Can you believe it’s been five years since SUPERHOT landed on the Xbox One? It’s one of those ‘time goes fast’ things, which - of course - is the opposite of what SUPERHOT’s about. To mark the five year anniversary of the wonderful red and white bolt-from-the-blue that arrived in 2016, we thought we would suggest some spin-offs for the IP. SUPERHOT - you’re welcome."
Makes sense to me. Especially the John Wick spinoff. Course, I would have loved more content for VR where it really shines. They should learn from the developers of Pistol Whip. They continue to update and spin new game modes like the future one and the upcoming western one that are like what the article is wanting.
But Super Hot definitely brought something new to gaming.
Looks really interesting. I'll be looking forward to playing this.
Couldn't tell from the trailer... What is this game called?