
A Diligent Theory Blog

Due Diligence Background Check Questionnaire

There is a bizarre phenomenon in the due diligence background investigation space: lying or omitting information on a background check questionnaire. In this post, we lay out how a private equity firm …

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There’s really only one real reason you shouldn’t be doing bank searches: They are not legal, except in the tiny fraction of cases when they are. Sure, there may be some ethical grey areas …

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Dozens of websites offer background checks for a few dollars. And if you haven’t had the pleasure, you can google “background check” and get ready to be bombarded. Go ahead. We’ll wait. Most of the dozens of services offered by these firms are for things like tenant screenings and run-of-the-mill pre-employment backgrounds. The firms do […]

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Thanks to a recommendation from Hal Humphreys at PI Education, I got a chance to listen to the Bone Valley podcast a few weeks ago while I was driving through Arizona. It’s nine episodes (nine-plus hours) of pure entertainment that fit perfectly into my weeklong saunter from Phoenix to Sedona to the Grand Canyon and […]

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The George Santos fiasco provides a glimpse into the biggest background investigation failure I have ever seen. It was a failure on so many levels, but from the prospective of someone who does a lot of this kind of work, the “background investigation” conducted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) had some huge mistakes. […]

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