23 Book Titles That Would Be Better With Llamas

    Catch-22 Llamas. Thanks to the #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama hashtag.

    1. The Girl With the Llama Tattoo

    The Girl with the Llama Tattoo #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    2. The Fault in the Llamas

    The Fault in the Llamas #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    3. I Know Why the Caged Llama Sings

    "I Know Why the Caged Llama Sings" #replacebooktitlewithllama

    4. The Lord of the Llamas

    The Lord of the Llamas #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    5. One Flew Over the Llama's Nest

    One Flew Over the Llama's Nest #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    6. To Llama a Mockingbird

    To llama a Mockingbird. #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    7. No Country for Black Llamas

    "No Country for Black Llamas" #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    8. Catch-22 Llamas

    Catch 22 Llamas #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    9. One Hundred Years of Llama

    One Hundred Years of Llama #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    10. The Old Llama and the Sea

    #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama the Old Llama and the Sea (of Llamas)

    11. Gone With the Llamas

    Gone With the Llamas #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    12. The Case of the Velvet Llamas

    The Case of the Velvet Llamas #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    13. Harry Potter and the Half-Llama Prince

    #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama Harry Potter and the Half-Llama Prince

    14. A Tale of Two Llamas

    A Tale of Two Llamas by Charles Dickens #llamabooks #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    15. The Perks of Being a Llama

    The Perks of Being a Llama by Stephen Chbosky. #replacebooktitlewithllama

    16. The Llamas of Wrath

    The Llamas of Wrath #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama #llamabooks

    17. Willy Wonka and the Llama Factory

    Willy Wonka and the llama factory #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    18. A Llama in Time

    A Llama in Time #replacebooktitlewithllama

    19. Charlotte's Llama

    Charlotte's Llama. #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    20. The Llamasitter's Club

    The Llamasitter's Club #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    21. The Llamas of Madison County

    The Llamas of Madison County #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    22. Huckleberry Llama

    Huckleberry Llama #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama

    23. The Llama's Guide to the Galaxy

    The Llama's Guide to the Galaxy #replacebooktitlewithllama

    For more llama book titles, check out the #ReplaceBookTitleWithLlama hashtag on Twitter.