Photo 6 Nov 13 notes Say’s Phoebe on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge 01 by USFWS Mountain Prairie on Flickr.
“ A pair of Say’s phoebes near headquarters on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. They are common near refuge headquarters during the summer, often spotted...

Say’s Phoebe on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge 01 by USFWS Mountain Prairie on Flickr.

A pair of Say’s phoebes near headquarters on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. They are common near refuge headquarters during the summer, often spotted catching moths trapped along the eves of the buildings. They prefer the sage steppe, but may be found in the adjacent riparian habitats when flying insects are abundant. Photo: Tom Koerner/USFWS

#Say's Phoebe #Sayornis saya #Sayornis #Tyrannidae #Tyrannides #Tyranni #Passeriformes #Psittacopasserae #Eufalconimorphae #Aves #birds #phoebe #tyrant flycatcher #Seedskadee NWR #Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge #Wyoming

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