1. He bows down to the Queen.
General attitude for 2015 x
2. He recognizes life's greatest treasure.
Send cheese x
3. He understands your early morning struggles.
Woken up looking like RuPaul x

4. He has a strong, deep love for avocados (as everyone should).
I'm going to compose a love song to Avocados x
5. He understands the true unfortunate struggles of dealing with a snorer.
It's not that your snoring annoys me... It's just YOU SOUND LIKE YOU MIGHT BE DYING x
6. He knows what a ~fun night in~ looks like.
Wild night in for me x
7. He knows that sleep > everything.
Went to bed at 8pm. Woke up like.... X
8. He's hip with the times.
Today I will mainly be RATCHET x

9. He knows the value of a good ham (and Shaq).
Happy Christmas from my boy Shaq x
10. He's knows the best way to spend his time.
Hobbies include Sleeping, being grumpy and general foods x
11. He's pretty stellar at making puns.
AvocadOhMyGodThisIsDelcious x
12. He knows the only reason to attend parties.
Every party I ever go to. X
13. He has his priorities in order.
Southwest Trains why do you play with my heart so? Give me the wifis sos I cans watch da vines x

14. He's willing to take a risk.
Six bottles of £3.99 cava from Lidl will either be my crowning moment of glory or my biggest fuck up of 2014. Time will tell. X
15. He appreciates a good Tumblr burn.
Happy Monday x
16. He shares cute fuzzy animal pics.
Just struttin around being a badass. X
17. He's anti selfie-stick (like any respectable person should be).
The things I would do to the man that invented that selfie stick thing. X
Keep doin' you, Jamie.