18 Monkeys Lookin' Straight-Up Dumb

    They don't realize it, but they look ridiculous.

    1. This chipper guy on the "Welcome" pamphlet for his neighborhood.

    2. This monkey saying, "Oh no you didn't!"

    3. And this monkey saying, "Oh shit, you really did."

    4. This monkey in a snowsuit.

    5. This judgmental baby monkey.

    6. This monkey who always takes things a little too far.

    7. This classy mofo who bathes in sophistication.

    8. This rude texter who hasn't looked up from his phone in 15 minutes.

    9. This selfie expert.

    10. These monkey carolers.

    11. This little thief who thinks he's way sneakier than he is.

    12. These little blue buttcheeks.

    13. This monkey realizing he's a monkey.

    14. This monkey who REALLY doesn't want his picture taken.

    15. This monkey who saw something awe-inspiring.

    16. This monkey who escaped from a Dr. Seuss book.

    17. This monkey who might actually be a chin.

    18. And, of course, the Ikea monkey.