Ahmedzayat.Com Goes Live: Parties Behind Site Unknown

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Jagajeet Chiba
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Ahmedzayat.Com Goes Live: Parties Behind Site Unknown

He owns American Pharoah, the horse competing for the Triple Crown, but Ahmed Zayat does not own the website for his own name.  Ahmedzayat.com is now live.

Gambling911.com first noticed the site up and running last night after receiving information regarding its pending launch from sources within the offshore gambling world.  It was not immediately clear if one or more of these operators put up the Ahmedzayat.com website or if they simply caught wind of its launch.
The site details what the site operators deem to be “the long fraudulent history of the man, who claims to be an honest man”, our source tells us.  Information on said site cannot all be independently corroborated by Gambling911.
The site makes mention of current lawsuits, links to stories detailing his bankruptcy, multiple cases where Zayat claimed debts were fraudulent, and more.
Our source noted, “Offshore operators are insistent that Ahmed Zayat is ‘a fraud of the highest order’.
“The man appears to have debts not just from coast to coast, but to countless offshore bookmakers.  At least this is what they are claiming.
“Zayat appears to have a long history of at least stretching the truth.  From his education at Harvard to saying New Jersey State was cheating him, it’s a question of Harvard, New Jersey State, banks and offshore bookmakers vs. Ahmed Zayat – who do you trust?”

Zayat insisted on Thursday that the claims against him are simply extortion tactics.
- Jagajeet Chiba, Gambling911.com

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