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    A Girl Pretended To Be A Bagel On Tinder

    Swipe right for Bae Gal, please.

    First I had to set up a convincing profile.

    Then I picked my prettiest pictures...

    ...and got started on my quest to find a bagel boyfriend.

    First I made friends.

    And found soulmates.

    Some really tried to emotionally connect.

    Others were just confused.

    Some were in denial.

    And things started to get a little, ya know... ~hot~

    There was love at first sight.

    As well as raw honesty.

    There were discussions on science.

    As well as evolution.

    And whatever this is...

    Orders were placed.

    And compliments were given.

    Lots of compliments.

    And I learned more about myself than I ever knew before.

    Conclusion? I get hit on more as a bagel than I do as myself.