Siibil Chocolate (Student Project)

Derrick Lin


Designer: Jessica Rauch
Project Type: Student Project
School: Fort Hays State University
Tutor: Professor Chaiwat
Location: Hays, KS, USA
Packaging Contents: 3 Chocolate Bars
Packaging Material: Paper

The Mayans believed that the cacao beans was the God’s food, and that the God’s gave the cacao beans to them as a gift. This became the base for which my concept. My design involves featuring different Mayan Gods on the front of the chocolate.

To create the Gods, I drew them based on the statues of the gods and added my own twist to incorporate the flavor of the chocolate. On the back of the chocolate I featured an excerpt explaining the name of the God on the front and what he/she was the God of (in this case I only created male God’s). I also explain the basis behind my chocolate. The name, Siibil, is Mayan for gift which I felt fit my concept as a whole.

What’s Unique?
This packaging is unique because of it’s design. The geometric illustrations illustrate not only the God’s on the package but give hints to the flavor that each bar represents. For example, the Citrus Mint has the God with Mint leaves and an orange represented in his head band. The geometric illustrations also help to mimic the hard lined artwork the Mayans used, but gives the design a more modern feel.