John Mayer Dreams Up Justin's Cookie Dough Almond Butter

John Mayer had the bright idea of tweeting to Justin's nut butters requesting that the company consider making a cookie dough almond butter . . . and amazingly, it delivered! Justin's developed a craft jar of vegan chocolate chip cookie dough chunks folded in chocolate almond butter for Mayer himself.

Here is the tweet John Mayer sent to Justin's.

Cookie dough flavored almond butter let's do it @Justins

— John Mayer (@JohnMayer) December 19, 2014

The musician, obviously stoked to receive such a treasure, took to Instagram to make us all jealous. Along with a photo of the actual jar, he provided all the right details:

Last December whilst deeply enjoying a single-serve packet of their maple almond butter, I posted a tweet suggesting that Justin's (@justins) make a cookie dough variant. Realizing the zen-like (aka stoner) genius of this idea, @justins created a single, hand-made batch of nirvana on a spoon: chocolate almond butter with chocolate chips and real chunks of cookie dough. Thanks Justin. You've ruined me for all other of life's awaiting pleasures.

Since every jar of Justin's has a note from the founder, Justin Gold, this is the custom message found in Mayer's cookie dough almond butter:

I know this guy named John. You see, John's awesome because he doesn't just sit around waiting on the world to change, he makes things happen with the power of his thumbs, a little keyboard and this thing called Twitter. If it weren't for my buddy, we would still be living in a sad, sad world without Cookie Dough Almond Butter. Talk about using your powers for good. If only everything I tweeted came true . . . John, enjoy this creation. Finely crafted just for you. —Justin

Currently, there are no plans for the nut butter company to expand this flavor nationwide. But that shouldn't dissuade us! Let's all Facebook and tweet to Justin's like crazy and use the power of popular demand to drive the company to release the flavor to the public. I think I speak for all cookie-dough-lovers when I say, I want to dive my spoon into cookie dough almond butter nirvana, like yesterday.