Saturday Night Live brought back Cecily Strong's popular character, "The girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party," for another bewildering and hilarious appearance. And she had some things to say about Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram's reported alliance with the Islamic State.
While Strong's character is ridiculous enough onscreen, the true genius of her dialogue is perhaps best appreciated in writing. Here are a few of the lines from this sketch:
"Just look at the sadistics, Michael. For every 10 people, there are 20 people. And what? We're just supposed to give them all the death penalty? No, like, America needs to grow up, but also, like, it needs to look like 15 years younger. I just friended you."
And later:
"Open your eyes, Michael. Measles, Ebola, charter schools. Sometimes I'm like, Salami Hussein was right. And in health care, everyone's talking about HMOs ... um, how about just calling them gay people?"
Pure genius.