Parents Reportedly Throwing ‘Measles Parties’ To Infect Their Unvaccinated Kids

Some parents in California are reportedly considering hosting “measles parties” — social gatherings where unvaccinated children can come into contact with infected kids — to build up their children’s natural resistance to the infectious disease.

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  1. veredita reblogged this from think-progress and added:
    In Europe absolutely normal. To strenghten the imunity. And when exposed to (some!)less serious illnesses, the body...
  2. big-dead-green-dad reblogged this from think-progress
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  4. homegirl-for-food-president reblogged this from think-progress and added:
    Just when I thought anti-vax parents were messed up already. ‘Measle paries’?! Really??
  5. gleenaru reblogged this from think-progress
  6. russellsteacozy reblogged this from bansheewitch and added:
    Soooo, lemme get this straight. The anti-vaxxers are trying to expose their kids to a disease to build up their natural...
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