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The SeaWorld Bowl!
2015Feb 1
Not even two electrifying sportscasters can make SeaWorld's practices look anything but cruel. In the wild, orcas swim up to 100 miles every day and dive to depths of nearly 1,000 feet. But at SeaWorld, they are confined to an area only half the size of a football field, kept in chemically treated water, and forced to perform dumb tricks for food. Some orcas were torn away from their families in the wild. Others, born in captivity, were taken away from their frantic mothers when they were just babies. Captivity can cause them to become neurotic, self-destructive, and downright dangerous—painfully injuring or killing themselves, other orcas, and even a human trainer. All animals at SeaWorld are deprived of everything natural and important to them and face a lifetime of barren concrete tanks and enclosures. Don't be fooled—don't go to SeaWorld. Will you help orcas? Share this video now: And please urge SeaWorld to release the orcas, dolphins, penguins, and other animals imprisoned in its parks into sanctuaries: Learn more about SeaWorld's practices: Subscribe: The website the meat industry doesn't want you to see: How to go vegan: PETA Saves: PETA: FAQs:

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