21 Problems Only McDonald's Addicts Will Understand

    Ummm, could you ~please~ give me MORE THAN ONE SAUCE PACKET.

    1. When you find yourself agreeing with this logic.

    Didn't go to the gym today, but.... The cashiers name at McDonald's was Jim. Sooo. Same thing.

    2. When your Big Mac is just...Mac.

    3. When everything seems so cheap that you order way too much.

    4. When you're SO CLOSE YET SO FAR.

    5. When you find unexpected treats in the bathroom.

    6. When you just came out to have a good time and are honestly feeling so attacked right now.


    8. This truth.

    9. Being scared out of your mind by a Happy Meal.

    10. When you have to get resourceful.

    11. When a pickle understands your emotions more than any human ever could.

    12. When you experience this all-too-familiar pain.

    13. (Which is why this is allllll you need for Christmas.)

    14. And why this is all you need for your birthday.


    16. You WISH you'd thought of this Halloween costume in time.

    17. And let's be honest, this is your dream proposal.

    nick put a ring on it @nicktangorra #mcdonaldsaddict

    18. When a sign error gives you a heart attack.

    19. Or just makes you lol until you cry.

    20. When this nightmare becomes your reality.

    21. OR WORSE:

    You can't go home again: what greeted us yesterday morning at the #McDonalds by my mom's house. #McDonaldsProblems