
hundreds of thoughts; but im blank.

@nowordsareneeded / nowordsareneeded.tumblr.com

Meera. ❤️
main toh thodi meethi, thodi si hoon zeheri re... ❝ yeh dil apni fitrat se toota..❞

so??? not everyone??? has an elaborate alternative reality??? in their heads??? that they add to daily??? and often escape to?? when the real world??? turns to shit???


being a gifmaker is like wow i love making gifs :) why did they change the lighting in this scene 57 times? i'm never opening photoshop again. wait, this looks nice :) actually no it doesn't. if this next adjustment layer doesn't fix everything i'm burning this whole god damn place to the ground

“You can never recover from losing a person you love, but you can find a way to let it be part of your life rather than letting it take over every part of you.”

Darien Gee, Friendship Bread

Anonymous asked:

What can I do to be your friend??

Best way would be to be off anonymous and message me directly?

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