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Are 90% Of FDA Drugs Approved In Last 30 Years No More Effective Than Existing Drugs?

Updated Jul 30, 2013, 08:30am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

In an article entitled: “Risky Drugs: Why The FDA Cannot Be Trusted”, author Donald W. Light of School of Public Health, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, states the following.

“A forthcoming article for the special issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (JLME), edited by Marc Rodwin and supported by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, presents evidence that about 90% of all new drugs approved by the FDA over the past 30 years are little or no more effective for patients than existing drugs. All of them may be better than indirect measures or placebos, but most are no better for patients than previous drugs approved as better against these measures.”

That’s a pretty damning statement that impugns the integrity of not just the FDA but of the thousands of people who dedicate their lives to the discovery and development of new medicines. But, if one thinks about drugs that were available in 1980, relative to those that have been discovered since, one comes away with a totally different view.

Let’s start with AIDS, which began spreading in the early 1980s. When first uncovered, there were no treatments for it. But in little more than a decade, AIDS was no longer a death sentence but a controlled disease thanks to the combined efforts of drug companies and the FDA. Perhaps AIDS drugs are the 10% of the new FDA approvals that Light feels are worthwhile.

However, bacterial infections haven’t exactly been dormant over the past decades. If no improvements had been made over penicillin, millions of people would be dying annually due to infections that have become penicillin resistant. The novel antibiotics discovered in the last three decades have helped to avert this. While antibacterial resistance will always be with us, it is ridiculous to think that the novel antibiotics of the last generation are “little or no more effective for patients than existing drugs.”

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) grew dramatically in the last century as it became the leading killer in the US. Data from the Framingham Heart Study showed that one of the major risk factors for CVD was high cholesterol. Unfortunately, drugs to lower cholesterol were not very effective thirty years ago. Typical was cholestyramine, a bile acid sequestrant. This drug was given in large doses, up to 20 GRAMS per day, and since it is a resin, taking it has been described as drinking liquid cement. However, beyond the unpalatable nature of this drug and its expected GI side effects, it is not very effective in lowering cholesterol with patients, getting only 10 – 15% drops over placebo. By the late 1980s, statins like Zocor ( Merck ) and Lipitor ( Pfizer ) came along and patients were able to get 40% drops in cholesterol by simply taking a pill once a day. Since statins have been available,  American College of Cardiology data shows that the deaths due to CVD have been dropping. Statins have played a major part in this advance.

But nowhere has there been a more dramatic impact of new medicines in healthcare than in cancer. Thirty years ago, all that oncologists had at their disposal were potent cytotoxic agents with well known horrific side effects and low success rates. The explosion of new treatments now available have resulted in more effective therapy, greater survival rates and longer lives. Oncologists now have available drugs that prevent tumors from growing blood vessels thus preventing tumors from getting nutrients they need to grow.  The aberration responsible for the growth of a particular tumor can be identified genetically and a drug to halt that process can be used, such as Herceptin for breast cancer. There are even now drugs available that can help a patient’s own immune system fight the disease such as Yervoy from BMS.  NONE of these drugs existed 30 years ago. In fact, back then this was thought of as science fiction.

I can go on and on. Gastric resections, a common hospital procedure to treat bleeding ulcers 30 years ago, have become rare thanks to the availability of gastric acid anti-secretory agents like H-2 antagonists and proton pump inhibitors. Rheumatoid arthritis patients in 1980 essentially only had methotrexate available to them. I would think it unlikely that these patients would say that the new immunology based agents that have brought them great relief are little better than methotrexate alone.

My initial thoughts were to ignore Light’s absurd assertions. However, last week on his Phamagellan blog, Frank David in critiquing Light’s work wrote the following:

“Furthermore, it’s unfortunate that many serious stakeholders in healthcare choose to remain silent rather than speaking out to critique unprofessional and ill-formed ‘research’ like Light’s.”

Frank David is absolutely correct. While those who are knowledgeable about the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry will reject Light’s views as being preposterous, there are many out there who will seize on it as being valid. After all, this work is “supported by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics” which is based at Harvard University.  This negativism goes beyond impacting the pharmaceutical industry. If people don’t believe that their medications are any better than aspirin, they will stop taking them. Yet, studies show that the best way to keep health care costs down, particularly for people with chronic diseases, is for people to take their medicines. If patients stop taking their drugs, we will all pay in the end.

When people like Donald Light make foolish assertions, they can’t be ignored. It’s time to call out such irresponsible viewpoints.