The story of John “Jock” Horsfall should not be new to you if you regularly visit our site. We made a detailed piece about it a while back, but that requires reading, but if you’re not up to that, there now a simpler (XCar video) way of getting informed.

Horsfall was a per-war racing car driver who rose to fame at the wheel of a custom Aston Martin, back in the days when the brand stood more for racing than luxury. When the second great war came, he joined MI5 where he carried out various driving duties, including taking part in Operation Mincemeat.

It involved driving a frozen corpse to a submarine base where fake documents would be planted on it, as well as fake invasion plans in order to trick the Germans.

The mission was successful and it may very well have helped shorten the war by months, since the Allies were able to quickly make Mussolini’s Italy capitulate, since Hitler had redirected a sizeable chunk of troops away.
